First aid for fractures (broken bones)

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First aid for fractures
(broken bones)

A fracture is a broken bone. All fractures require medical attention. If the injury is severe, call an emergency services provider. Netcare 911 can be contacted on 082 911.

When should you call an emergency medical services provider?

  • If the person is seriously injured
  • If you suspect an injury to the person’s head, neck or back
  • If you can see a bone sticking out of the skin
  • If the limb or joint appears deformed
  • If bleeding can’t be stopped after several minutes of firm pressure
  • If blood is spurting from the wound
  • If the injured arm or leg feels numb
  • If toes or fingers are white or blue

What should or shouldn't you do if you suspect a fracture?


  • If there is severe bleeding from the wound, apply firm pressure to the injured area with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops.
  • Place an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel on the injured area for a few minutes at a time.
  • Allow the person to position the injured arm or leg in a way that is most comfortable for them.


  • If you notice bone pushing through the skin, don't touch it or try to place it back into position.
  • Never attempt to straighten an injured arm or leg.
  • Don't move a person – unless in a life threatening situation where quick action is critical, for example if the person is in a car which is catching on fire – if you suspect an injury to the person's head, neck or back. In such an instance, do your utmost to support the person's head, neck and back to keep it as stable as possible when moving them, in order to prevent further damage.