
Netcare Encourages All People to Keep Scheduled Appointments for Active Treatment, Screenings or Routine Care of Cancer

Monday, October 26 2020

While the pandemic has clearly impacted the world in more ways than one could have possibly imagined, a demon that cannot be ignored is cancer. We have a specific responsibility to ensure that essential cancer services continues during and after this pandemic.

Emerging research globally and locally have showed that many people are delaying their cancer screenings and other health care needs. It is important to know, for cancer patients and the healthy public, that it is safe to keep scheduled appointments for active treatment or routine care. “We know cancer doesn’t stop – even during a global pandemic” .

Netcare has been proactive since the start of the pandemic implementing measures to protect against the spread of COVID-19 including electronic pre-screening for patients, wearing of PPE including masks, practising social distancing and hand hygiene. We also understand that it is also not time to let our guard down and that all necessary precautions should still be taken to avoid exposure to COVID-19.

Netcare is committed to provide you with exceptional cancer care which includes creating a safe environment for patients, our staff and doctors who are all involved in the treatment of cancer patients and the public entering our facilities for cancer screening.